This eye problem occurs
when a person is unable to clearly see small print and close objects. It is a
normal process associated with age, with most people not noticing any changes
until after the age of 40. This problem can be made better or improved with
reading glasses, LASIK and a number of other procedures.
Dry Eyes
This occurs when the tear
glands make poor quality tears or an insufficient amount of tears. Symptoms
include uncomfortable, painful, stinging, burning or itching eyes, blurry
vision and redness of the eye. Dry eye syndrome may leave a person vulnerable
to bacterial infections. If left untreated, it can lead to scarring of the
cornea, and in severe cases can lead to loss of vision.
Blurry vision which gets worse over time
Poor night vision
Light sensitivity
Seeing ‘halos’ around lights
Frequent need for stronger glasses
Seeing through a yellow tint
Seeing double
Glaucoma is a result of
pressure buildup in the eye and can lead to the optic nerve being damaged. It
is often caused by eye injuries, eye infection, inflammatory conditions of the
eye, and blocked blood vessels. Symptoms include eye pain, redness of the eye,
sudden blurred vision, sudden disturbances in vision, and seeing colored
‘halos’ around lights.
Night Blindness
People with night
blindness have poor vision in dimly lit areas or at night. The only symptom of
night blindness is problems seeing in the dark. It can have many causes
including cataracts or nearsightedness. Treatment will depend on the underlying
Eye Care Boulder: What to Do
These are just some of
the common eye problems many people experience. If a person is experiencing
these symptoms it is important that they see an eye doctor immediately.
Treatment is often simple and may not require surgery. But if these conditions
are left untreated, they can lead to more serious problems such as loss of
General eye care Boulder is essential. Frequent eye checks should be done by a doctor and people
can also help prevent eye problems by eating a balanced diet, wearing
sunglasses and not smoking.