Monday, March 6, 2017

The LASIK Eye Surgery Procedure

People dealing with compromised vision should consider getting LASIK eye surgery. While it is not for everyone, it is a very safe procedure that can permanently rectify any vision problems. eye care Boulder This is a godsend for people who have become fed-up with uncomfortable glasses or contact lenses that are always itchy. Like any surgery, there is always going to be some positives and some negatives. It’s important to be informed about the LASIK procedure in order to make the most informed decision. Perhaps that short term pain is really worth the long term comfort of clear vision.

What does LASIK stand for?
LASIK is an acronym for “laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis”, and refers to a form of refractive surgery to correct vision issues like myopia (short-sightedness) and hyperopia (long-sightedness).

Myopia: Those dealing with myopia have eyes that can only receive light in front of the retina, instead of right on the retina. This makes it such that far away objects are blurry, and objects glaucoma Boulder close-up appear normal size. It is the most common eye problem in the world, and LASIK surgery is designed to alter the defects and bring vision to as close to 20/20 as possible, given genetic and environmental factors.

Hyperopia: Hyperopia is the opposite of Myopia in that light is focused behind the retina, instead of right on it. Likewise, nearby objects become blurry while those in the near and far distance appear to be normal. This is a condition that commonly affects children and will remain for life. LASIK surgery is designed to be done on children, if they so choose.

The LASIK Procedure
The LASIK procedure begins with a consultation with an eye care specialist to determine whether or not LASIK is the appropriate thing to do. Presuming that finances are not an 
LASIK Boulder issue, it is usually recommended to get eye correction services. The side-effects are minimal and the risks of an error are microscopic.

Once in the surgical room, the doctor will create a flap to get access to the surface of the cornea. They will use an alcohol solution to smooth out the surface of the cornea, allowing for easier access with the laser technology. The whole procedure should take under an hour – usually 20 cataracts Boulder minutes on each eye is required. The minimum recovery time is two weeks, but a patient should be able to enjoy functional vision by the end of the day after the surgery.

LASIK surgery is a very simple and fast procedure that brings clarity of vision and happiness to thousands of people every single day. Make sure to consult an eye care Boulder specialist to discuss the risks and rewards of such a procedure, because it can have some ill-effects on people with pre-existing conditions.