Wednesday, June 14, 2017

What is Optic Neuropathy?

eye care boulder
Optic neuropathy is a condition where there is damage to the optic nerve as a result of inflammation. The damage can also extend to the myelin, which is a type of covering that coats the nerve and provides a level of protection. Knowing what this condition causes and what causes it is important, especially if you are at risk. It is also critical to understand your treatment options and have information on the average prognosis. When it comes to proper eye care, Boulder residents can get a prompt and accurate diagnosis so that they can start the treatment process.

What Are the Causes of Optic Neuropathy?

eye care boulder
A number of things can cause this condition. It most commonly happens in women and those under age 45. Having multiple sclerosis is a major risk factor due to how this condition damages the myelin sheath of nerves throughout the body. In fact, eye symptoms are often some of the earliest symptoms that people with MS report experiencing. Other potential causes of this condition can include:

-Toxoplasmosis and other types of infection
-Neurological disorders
-Ocular herpes
-Sinus inflammation
-Leber hereditary optic neuropathy
-Toxins, such as tobacco and alcohol
-Issues with nutritional deficiencies

Making an Accurate Diagnosis

eye care boulder
When you see your eye doctor, he or she will start the process by asking about your medical history and symptoms. If you have a condition like multiple sclerosis, your doctor might suspect that this condition is at play. When it comes to diagnostic testing, your doctor might do a routine visual test, measure your eye pressure, dilate your pupils to get a better look at your optic nerve and other eye structures and do a visual examination to look at the outer structures of your eye. Your doctor will usually also test your peripheral vision for loss using a visual field test and might recommend an MRI to look at your spinal cord and brain if there is no obvious cause of this condition.

Treatment Options

Treating the root cause is the first step. In many cases, bringing conditions like an infection or multiple sclerosis under control can help to stabilize this condition. Your doctor might also recommend either oral or intravenous steroids to alleviate the inflammation affecting the optic nerve.

Exploring the Prognosis

eye care boulder
The prognosis ultimately depends on the cause and the level of damage to your optic nerve. Approximately 95 percent of patients will recover the majority of their vision in under six months.

As you can see, this can be a serious condition and it is important to get a prompt diagnosis. As soon as you notice any visual or eye symptoms, you want to make an appointment at a center for eye care boulder to ensure a timely diagnosis.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

5 Doctors You Need to See in Your 50s

eye care boulderWhen you reach your 50th birthday, it is a major milestone and one that is marked with wisdom and experience. This is also a time in your life when you need to pay particular attention to your health, even if you have no current health problems. There are five doctors you want to make an appointment with so that you can get a more complete picture of your overall health.


A complete eye exam is very important once you turn 50 because this is the age where many people start to develop problems like reduced visual sharpness, glaucoma and cataracts. Knowing the general state of your eye health will help you to take the right steps if the specialist finds a problem or risk factors for an eye condition.


eye care boulderKnowing your bone density is important and you want to get your first bone density screening around your 50th birthday, even if you have no signs of reduced bone strength or density. This is a relatively quick and simple test that will provide a wealth of information. If your bone density is reduced, you can work with your doctor to improve your bone health to prevent problems like fractures and an increased fall risk.


Once you turn 50, it is time to schedule your first colonoscopy. While not the most pleasant thing to think about, colon cancer is one of the most common types of cancers in the United States. This test will help to assess the health of your lower digestive tract and determine if you have any risk factors, such as polyps.


eye care boulderYou want to see a cardiologist to assess your heart rate and rhythm and your blood pressure. It is not uncommon for heart rhythm problems and high blood pressure to occur when you are 50 and older. This exam will provide important information about heart health and help to catch any undiagnosed problems in a timely manner.


Even if you have no risk factors, you have spent the last 50 years in the sun and exposed to a number of pollutants. You want to make sure that your skin is still healthy and that you do not have any skin problems or suspicious moles. This appointment is even more important if you have a family history of skin cancer or you are fair-skinned, since both of these increase your risk of skin cancer.

eye care boulder

As you can see, bone and eye care Boulder are critical, especially after you turn 50. If you are at least 50 years old and have not seen one or all of these medical specialists yet, it is time to make your appointments.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

What You Need to Know for Healthy Eyes and Vision

eye care boulderWhen it comes to keeping your eyes healthy and your vision strong with eye care, Boulder residents need to know what it takes to maintain the health of their eyes. Many people focus on things like their lungs and heart, but your eyes are just as important. There are some things that you can do each day to help ensure optimal eye health.

Getting the Right Mixture of Nutrients

Your eyes require a variety of nutrients each day to keep them strong and healthy. These include lutein, zeaxanthin, copper, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin E. These nutrient have antioxidant properties that help to keep the structures of your eyes, including your optic nerve and retina, strong and healthy. Ideally, you want to get these nutrients from your diet as much as possible. If you have difficulty doing so, you can talk to your doctor about recommending a supplement to ensure these nutrients.

Exercise Regularly

eye care boulderYou already know that regular exercise is critical for better overall health. It is important to exercise most days per week and to be as active as possible. If you are new to exercising, you want to do it under a doctor's supervision to ensure safety. Your doctor can help you to craft an exercise plan that addresses any specific needs or limitations that you have. Make sure to keep up with it and let your doctor know how you are doing to ensure any adjustments are made as necessary.

Keep Your Other Medical Conditions in Check

A lot of medical conditions work together, so when one is not properly under control, it can affect other areas of your health. For example, conditions like diabetes, multiple sclerosis and high blood pressure can all affect the health of your eyes. Make sure that your eye doctor is aware of your other medical conditions and the treatment plan that you have. He or she will work with your other doctors to ensure better overall health.

eye care boulder

See Your Eye Doctor Regularly

One to two times a year, you will need to see your eye doctor for a basic checkup. Even when you see your doctor often for specific eye conditions, it is important that you maintain your checkups too since these are looking at things different than what your doctor is focusing on at your additional visits. Your doctor will give you a schedule to follow in terms of how often you need to see him or her and for what, so that you get all of the care that you need.

eye care boulder

Now you know more about ensuring proper eye care Boulder. Make sure to keep these tips in mind so that you can work to keep your good vision for as long as possible. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

The LASIK Eye Surgery Procedure

People dealing with compromised vision should consider getting LASIK eye surgery. While it is not for everyone, it is a very safe procedure that can permanently rectify any vision problems. eye care Boulder This is a godsend for people who have become fed-up with uncomfortable glasses or contact lenses that are always itchy. Like any surgery, there is always going to be some positives and some negatives. It’s important to be informed about the LASIK procedure in order to make the most informed decision. Perhaps that short term pain is really worth the long term comfort of clear vision.

What does LASIK stand for?
LASIK is an acronym for “laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis”, and refers to a form of refractive surgery to correct vision issues like myopia (short-sightedness) and hyperopia (long-sightedness).

Myopia: Those dealing with myopia have eyes that can only receive light in front of the retina, instead of right on the retina. This makes it such that far away objects are blurry, and objects glaucoma Boulder close-up appear normal size. It is the most common eye problem in the world, and LASIK surgery is designed to alter the defects and bring vision to as close to 20/20 as possible, given genetic and environmental factors.

Hyperopia: Hyperopia is the opposite of Myopia in that light is focused behind the retina, instead of right on it. Likewise, nearby objects become blurry while those in the near and far distance appear to be normal. This is a condition that commonly affects children and will remain for life. LASIK surgery is designed to be done on children, if they so choose.

The LASIK Procedure
The LASIK procedure begins with a consultation with an eye care specialist to determine whether or not LASIK is the appropriate thing to do. Presuming that finances are not an 
LASIK Boulder issue, it is usually recommended to get eye correction services. The side-effects are minimal and the risks of an error are microscopic.

Once in the surgical room, the doctor will create a flap to get access to the surface of the cornea. They will use an alcohol solution to smooth out the surface of the cornea, allowing for easier access with the laser technology. The whole procedure should take under an hour – usually 20 cataracts Boulder minutes on each eye is required. The minimum recovery time is two weeks, but a patient should be able to enjoy functional vision by the end of the day after the surgery.

LASIK surgery is a very simple and fast procedure that brings clarity of vision and happiness to thousands of people every single day. Make sure to consult an eye care Boulder specialist to discuss the risks and rewards of such a procedure, because it can have some ill-effects on people with pre-existing conditions.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Natural Eye Care in Boulder: How to Care for One’s Eyes at Home

eye care boulderAnyone who has experienced an eye issue knows how annoying, painful, and even scary it can be. Something as little as an almost-microscopic piece of dirt or fuzz in the eye can cause irritation and pain for minutes, even hours, after its been removed. What can a person do if they are experiencing eye irritation or other types of eye issues? Are there any types of natural, home remedies that actually work?
All-Natural Eye Care: How Boulder Patients Care for Their Eyes at Home
There are, indeed, a number of all-natural, home remedies that can help patients treat minor eye conditions at home. And, many of these remedies can even be done in a prophylactic way to boost a person’s overall eye health. These are just a few ways patients can keep their eyes healthy and strong at home.
·         Exercise: According to some studies, regular, daily exercise can reduce the risk of getting age-related macular degeneration. Even daily walking can contribute to reducing the risk of this disease by up to seventy percent.
·         Clean the eyes: It is important to remove dirt and debris from the eyes. Tears help people do this to some extent, but they can help the body out by rinsing their eyes with tepid water, or even rosewater.
eye care boulder
·         Drink enough water: Drinking adequate water each day keeps the eyes well-lubricated. Dry eyes cause irritation and itching. If someone rubs or scratches their eye because of this, they can damage the eye, in some cases quite seriously, leading to sight issues.
·         Wear sunglasses: The eyes need to be protected from UVA and UVB rays just like the skin does. Patients should make sure the sunglasses they choose are labeled as UVA/UVB protectors to ensure that they receive the proper amount of eye protection.
·         Relax with cucumber slices or tea bags: This has generally been looked upon as a remedy for bags under the eyes. However, the cool, regenerative qualities of cucumbers and certain herbal teas can actually benefit the eyes themselves. One way they do this: reducing inflammation and irritation.
eye care boulder
·         Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables: Fresh fruits and vegetables have vitamins and minerals that are vital to the health of a patient’s eyes. The more of these micronutrients a patient eats, the healthier their eyes will be. The top eye-healthy foods: dark, leafy greens; orange bell pepper; eggs; salmon; bilberry; and black currants.
All-Natural vs. Medical Eye Care: Adversaries or Allies?
eye care boulderWhen it comes to any sort of healthcare, including eye care boulder, many people think of it as black and white. Some feel that all-natural, home remedies are the best way to take care of one’s eyes. Others feel that only those in the medical or ophthalmological communities know how to properly care for their patients’ eyes.

Really, though, healthcare is not all black and white. All-natural care and ophthalmological care go hand-in-hand. It is a combination of good homecare and great medical treatments and services that present the best possible solution for patients.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Healthier Eyes: 6 Ways People Can Protect Their Eyes from Damage

Taking care of oneself is vital for a long, healthy, and happy life. That is why people do their best to eat right, exercise, reduce stress and avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits as best they can. When it comes to eye care, though, some people feel lost. They aren’t sure what steps they need to take to ensure the health of their eyes. What steps can people take to protect their eyes from damage?

eye care boulder

6 Steps People Can Take to Protect Their Eyes from Damage
Here are six steps people can take to protect their eyes. For specific conditions, they should visit their Boulder eye care specialist for more information regarding how to properly care for their eyes.

1. Visit the Eye Doctor Regularly
Visiting the eye doctor should be just as important as regular checkups at the general practitioner or dentist’s office. Eye examinations shouldn’t wait until the patient notices there is an issue. The best way to protect their eyes is to get regular, annual checkups. Seeing the eye doctor on a regular basis will allow them to detect issues in the early stages, particularly diseases like glaucoma in which there are no symptoms until the disease has advanced.

2. Eat a Nutrient-Rich Diet
Certain nutrients, like omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamin C, and lutein may be able to strengthen the eyes and protect them against certain eye diseases like macular degeneration. These nutrients can be found in leafy green vegetables, salmon, oranges and other fruits, flax and chia seeds, and beans.

eye care boulder

3. Wear Sunglasses
The sun can do a lot of damage to one’s eyes. It is important to wear sunglasses to protect the eyes from the sun’s UV rays. Look for sunglasses that will block 99 to 100 percent of both UVA and UVB rays.

4. Quit (Or, Better Yet, Don’t Start) Smoking
Smoking can cause cataracts and contribute to macular degeneration. It can also do damage to the optic nerve. Of course, it would be best to never start smoking.  However, quitting will help to stop damage in its tracks.

eye care boulder

5. Utilize Safety Glasses
Whenever a person is working in an area where there will be flying debris, or even playing sports, safety glasses are a must!

6. Take Computer Breaks
Failing to take breaks from the computer screen can lead to eyestrain and blurry vision. It can also lead to headaches and sore shoulders. Every twenty minutes a twenty-second break should be taken. And, every few hours, people should take a five to fifteen-minute break away from the computer. This doesn’t mean they have to stop working, just take a break from constantly looking at the computer.

Optimal Eye Care: Boulder Eye Doctors Have More Suggestions

eye care boulder

For anyone who is curious about what more they can do to care for their eyes in the best ways possible, they should consult with a Boulder eye care specialist. Implementing the above steps and seeing their eye doctor regularly will help ensure their eyesight is clear and bright for years to come. 

eye care Boulder

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Finding Good Eye Care in Boulder

The eyes are the windows to the soul. Theyre also some of the most critical components of the human body.

When they dont function properly or wear out prematurely, the results can be devastating. Fortunately, people can protect their eyes by finding good eye care Boulder.

eye care boulder

Here are some tips to do just that.

1. Schedule a consultation with several doctors

Most optometrists schedule a consultation to meet with new clients. Often, this initial appointment is free, and it can help a new client get a good understanding of what a doctors approach to care is, and how he or she intends to address certain issues or problems. Whats more, its also a great way for a new client to determine if he or she would work well with a new doctor or not.

eye care boulder

2. Ask for referrals

People who find good optometrists generally stick with them. With this in mind, its generally easy to find a good option by asking around with friends and family.

When someone has a doctor they love, theyre typically more than willing to share the news with the people around them, and this can be an effective way to find a great optometrist who tends to a patients needs effectively.

3. Prepare a set of questions

Every optometrist is different, and preparing a set of questions to ask ever doctor is a great way for patients to understand what makes each of them tick, and how each doctor practices differently from his or her competition.

eye care boulder

Whats more, asking specific questions is an effective way for a new patient to determine a doctors experience level with a specific issue, and determine the doctors level of ability.

4. Communicate needs clearly

Communicating needs is one of the most essential things for a patient to do. Because doctors do their best to cater to the unique needs and concerns of each patient, communicating them as well as possible is one of the only true ways for patients to find good eye care in Boulder.

Additionally, clear communication of needs early on will help ensure a good doctor-patient relationship, and facilitate better care down the road.

5. Check reviews

Reviews are a wealth of information about a new doctor, and they can go a long way toward telling a patient everything he or she needs to know about a new doctor.

Whether the reviews are personal reviews from friends or family or anonymous reviews on online sites, theyre valuable forms of information, and are typically integral in the process of finding a doctor to work with.

eye care boulder

While its true that locating a good optometrist can be difficult, patients who do their due diligence and work hard to locate a doctor with the skills, compassion, and experience needed will be rewarded with an optometrist who works well for the patient in the long-term and short-term alike. This helps reduce turnover rates and keep care consistent in the future.