Wednesday, December 9, 2015

How Dry and Wet Macular Generation Differ

eye care Boulder
Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, is a disorder that slowly destroys central vision, making it hard to read or see small details.  It is most commonly linked to patients older than 60. There are two kinds, dry and wet.   An important part of eye care Boulder is checking at-risk patients for signs of either type.

AMD develops in the retina, a structure at the back of the eye that translates images and light into signals that reach the brain.  The portion of the retina known as the macula provides sharp, detailed vision.  Damage to blood vessels that support the macula causes harm to that structure and compromises vision.


eye care Boulder
Of AMD sufferers, 90 percent have the dry type.  As it develops, the macula’s layers continue to thin.  They become less effective, a condition called atrophy. 

In the early stages, an eye doctor can see changes in the color of the macula.  Drusen, which are small piles of waste from eye cells, collect on the retina.  They can cause it to atrophy.  Almost everybody who is older than 50 has some drusen. 

eye care Boulder

Dry AMD does not progress beyond discoloration of pigment.  This form gets its name from the fact that it involves no leakage of fluid from blood vessels in the eye.  Almost all AMD patients initially have the dry form.

Blurred vision is the most common sign.  Eventually, a spot in the middle of the visual field appears darker and bigger.  Anything in the central field of vision might look dim or faded.  Treatment includes a combination of antioxidants, specific vitamins, and zinc.


eye care Boulder
One of every 10 cases of AMD is the wet form.  The wet AMD name refers to the fact that blood vessels leak.  Wet AMD occurs when new blood vessels form in the choroid layer, behind the retina.  This development is called choroidal neovascularization.

The new vessels leak blood, other fluids, and lipids.  As the leakage permeates the macula and other layers of the retina, scar tissue forms.  Retinal cells no longer function. 
Sufferers note that straight lines look wavy and distorted.  Central vision loss can be quick.

Among treatments for wet AMD are laser surgery to destroy leaking vessels and painless eye injections of medication to stop the formation of new blood vessels.  Photodynamic therapy uses a light to activate an injected drug designed to destroy leaking vessels.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Basics of Eye Care to Maintain Strong Vision

eye care boulderVision specialists love to meet patients who feel invested in their eye health, so anyone seeking eye care Boulder is welcome to do their homework before making their first appointment so they can ask plenty of questions. Professional ophthalmology staff workers will do everything they can to answer questions to help patients feel comfortable with their chosen eye care provider. Many vision practices will even offer an educational guide, whether in print, online or both, to make sure their patients always have easy access to a reference guide.
Questions might range from administrative concerns, such as payment options and scheduling issues to various eye conditions, but each question is important, and eye care professionals know how important it is to engage their patients to make sure they keep appointments to maintain good eye health.
What Are Some of the Basics of Eye Care That Patients Can Focus on to Maintain Strong Vision?
eye care boulderEverything from administrative matters to specific eye diseases are important concerns for patients committed to taking good care of their vision. It may seem like a lot of information, but once patients talk to their vision specialists and their staff, as well as reading the appropriate literature, they will feel confident in proceeding with appointments, prescriptions and any necessary treatments. Vision care patients might consider noting some of the following items to help them become acquainted with what it takes to keep their eyesight in good condition.

  • Placing Vision Specialists' Vital Information in Their Calendar. Whether patients have adopted electronic scheduling practices, or they still use a bound paper planner, it is important to keep their vision specialist's vital information, in case of emergencies or the need to cancel an appointment. Keeping this information is especially important for patients who undergo complex procedures that require follow-up, so they never have to worry about finding help if they feel that something is wrong.
eye care boulder
  • Making a List of Symptoms. For new eye care patients, it is important to do some self-assessment before visiting their eye doctor to help their ophthalmologist make the quickest and most accurate diagnosis possible. Patients should note any issues they have, such as blurred vision or problems driving at night.
eye care boulder
  • Asking Questions About Eye Protection. Perhaps patients are visiting for a check-up to make sure they keep healthy vision. If so, they might ask their vision specialist about different ways to protect their healthy eyesight. Everything from the sun's UV rays to a sudden change in diet might prove dangerous, and a vision specialist can help patients assess the risk.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tips for Avoiding Digital Eye Strain

People who work at a computer for extended periods of time run the risk of suffering from eye strain. By following a few guidelines, computer users can avoid digital eye strain problems. Here are a few tips to help people get started.

eye care boulder

Start with an Eye Exam
People who are wise will take steps to care for their vision. Proper eye care Boulder begins with scheduling regular eye exams. Through routine exams, doctors can keep tabs on a person’s eye health and alert them to problems early so they can get proper treatment. Early treatment can help prevent major glaucoma boulder problems later on.

Adjust Lighting
Bright lights reflecting off a computer screen can irritate the eyes. Closing curtains and blinds and using lower intensity light bulbs can help bring ambient light to a more appropriate level for computer use. Positioning a computer on the side of a window reduces reflection from outside lighting that can irritate the eyes.

Some people experience eye strain when using overhead fluorescent tube lighting during work hours due to excessive brightness. Floor lamps or full spectrum fluorescent lights may resolve the problem. Reducing outside lighting can minimize glare that can put a strain on the eyes. Eye glass users should consider investing in anti-reflective lenses to eliminate problems with glare.

Adjust PC Display Settings
Computer users can minimize problems with eye strain by adjusting the brightness and text size on their screen. The brightness on a computer screen should be similar to that of the surrounding lasik boulder lighting. Text should be large enough for people to see comfortably without straining their eyes. This may vary from person to person. Some people prefer a larger text when reading or typing for longer periods of time.

Take Breaks to Rest or Exercise Eyes
Taking frequent breaks from the computer will reduce the risk of eye discomfort and fatigue. It’s recommended that computer users take half a dozen 5-minute breaks throughout the day as opposed to only two long breaks. Frequent breaks will reduce the strain of focusing on one spot and help people stay awake and alert longer. Greater alertness can improve productivity.

cataracts boulder

Computer users should get in the habit of blinking often to keep the eyes well lubricated. It’s also good to exercise the eyes regularly to avoid eye fatigue from staring at a computer screen.

Proper eye care is the key to reducing eye problems and retaining good vision.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Top 4 Considerations for Caring for New Eyeglasses

Seeing an eye doctor regularly should be a part of everybody's eye care Boulder area. With regular eye exams, it is possible to detect possible eye care boulder problems with one's eyes, including deterioration of eyesight. For those who have recently been told they need a prescription lens, eyeglasses may be an ideal solution. However, those who are new to wearing eyeglasses must know how to care for the appropriately.

Invest in a Hard-Shell Case
Often times, eyeglasses can easily cost a couple hundred dollars per pair, but those buying glasses should also be sure to set aside some money for an eyeglass case for each pair. Sometimes, eye doctors will give glasses to patients in a soft-shell case, but these aren't meant to be a long-term storage solution. Only a hard-shell case will adequately protect against accidental crushing and other damage.

glaucoma boulder

Clean With a Microfiber Cloth
Every so often, it will be necessary to wipe down one's eyeglass lenses as a means of removing dust and debris that has caked on over time. When wiping down lenses, however, it is always important to use a lens that is specifically designed for use on these lenses. Specifically, a microfiber cloth should be used, as these will not scratch the surface of the lenses. Other cloths, including paper towel and even tissue, should be avoided here.

lasik boulder

Set Down Lens-Side Up
When not in use, eyeglasses should really be placed in their case. However, for those times when the case isn't readily available, eyeglasses should always be placed with their lenses facing cataracts boulder up, not down. Setting glasses down with the lenses face-down will inevitably lead to scratches and other damage that could compromise one's ability to see well.

Use the Right Cleaner
Finally, those with eyeglasses should always be sure to use the right cleaner. There are specific cleaners available that are designed for use on eyeglass lenses. Therefore, it is never a good idea to use just any chemical cleaner, as certain chemicals can have a bad reaction to the lenses and cause permanent damage. Eyeglass cleaner is available at most grocery stores and at any eye doctor's office.

These are just a few important considerations to keep in mind when it comes to caring for one's new eyeglasses. From there, a pair of glasses can last for as long as one's prescription does!

Friday, September 4, 2015

The Basics of Maintaining Good Eye Health

eye care boulderMany people rarely give much thought to their vision until they begin to experience problems with their eyes. This is unfortunate, because there are some eye conditions that can be circumvented with proper eye care Boulder. For instance, wearing sunglasses with UV protection while outdoors may be instrumental in preventing the development of cataracts and certain other vision conditions such as macular degeneration. Those who play sports should also be careful to protect their eyes with gear such as goggles that were designed for that purpose. 

Indoors, air conditioners and furnaces can create dry atmospheric conditions that can dry out the eyes, so it is important to have a humidifier to keep this from happening. Lubricating eye drops may also help prevent eyes from becoming irritated due to lack of moisture.
eye care boulder
Those who wish to maintain optimal eye health should schedule comprehensive eye exams on a regular basis. Certain common eye conditions such as glaucoma and macular degeneration can only be detected by a dilated eye exam. Catching these conditions early can help stop them from seriously impairing the patient's vision. People who have diabetes should also have their vision checked often so that diabetic eye disease can be caught and treated while it is still in the early stages.

eye care boulderPatients should also make a point of knowing the eye health history of their families because many eye diseases and conditions are hereditary. This will ensure that the eye care professional knows what to watch out for in order to be able to accurately treat developing symptoms.

Consuming the right type of foods can also have a significant impact on eye health. Carrots and other food rich in beta carotene have long been considered excellent foods for those interested in maintaining healthy eyes. Other great foods for eye healthy include kale, spinach, and mustard or collar greens. Foods that contain substantial amounts of omega 3 acids are also considered by eye care professionals to be excellent dietary choices for those trying to maintain healthy eyes.
eye care boulder
Being overweight may also increase chances of developing certain eye conditions such as diabetic eye disease and glaucoma, so those with a family history of these ailments should discuss the situation with their physician and work out a plan to maintain a healthy weight level. Above all, people should make certain that they visit their eye doctor regularly.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Basic Eye Care Information to Keep Patients On Track

 eye care boulder
Losing vision is probably not something most people can remotely imagine. However, when not taking good care of their vision by making and keeping regular appointments for eye care Boulder puts them at risk for loss of vision, or at the very list, deterioration of vision that might put them at risk for accidents and other issues.

When patients find a vision specialist with an office that features the most cutting-edge technology and an adept staff, it can help put new patients at ease. However, there really is nothing for patients to worry about during routine visits. The best vision care providers make sure to get to know their patients, including any fears or anxieties they have, and they work to relieve those worries right away.

 eye care boulder

Additionally, eye care providers continually work toward providing training to their staff that makes patients' visits even easier and less time-consuming.

What Are Some Criteria That Patients Should Look For in a New Eye Care Provider?
 eye care boulder
For people who need to find an eye care doctor, it is important to consider what is most important to them and what they want from their eye care, besides basically making sure their eyes are healthy and disease-free. Ideally, once patients get past the idea that it is imperative that they monitor their vision over the years, especially as their age progresses, they can start to look at some of the services on a vision specialist's service menu.

Patients who have an eye condition that means they need to wear glasses or contact lenses, they might investigate pursuing Lasik surgery to repair their vision. Many people want to enjoy a more active lifestyle and would find it easier to do so without worrying about breaking glasses or keeping them dry. Patients should talk to their eye doctor about this relatively simple surgery that can make a huge difference in their lives, meaning they don't necessarily need to buy glasses again and go swimming without worrying about blurred vision or losing contact lenses while wearing goggles.
 eye care boulder
Some eye care providers offer a range of spa and cosmetic services. Patients can talk to their vision care facility operators about anything from skin tightening and wrinkle reducing procedures to the removal of spots or other skin imperfections. Spa services might include massage treatments in a variety of styles that include Swedish, deep tissue and neuromuscular massage.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Must-Follow Eye-Care Tips for Computer Users

eye care boulder
These days, many people spend a large amount of time staring at computer screens on a daily basis—whether it be for work or pleasure. Unfortunately, persistent staring at computer screens can have a serious impact on one's eyesight, causing it to gradually deteriorate over time. In heavy computer users, this is actually known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Fortunately, there are a few eye exam Boulder office worker and computer user can take to help prevent CVS and preserve their eyesight.
eye care boulder
Use the 20-20-20 Rule For those who spend a great deal of time staring at a computer screen each day, using the 20-20-20 rule can make all the difference in one's vision. With this rule, one takes breaks from staring at the computer screen every 20 minutes. During these breaks, the person simply stares at an object that's about 20 feet away for 20 seconds at a time. This is thought to help give the eyes the relief they need from being fixated on the screen and can also help reduce the chances of a person developing near-sightedness.
eye care boulder
Work With Lights On One of the worst things one can do when it comes to their vision is to work at a computer with no lighting besides the screen itself. This is thought to be especially damaging to the eyesight at night. For the best results, it's a good idea to turn on a soft light on either side of the computer screen. Specifically, one should be careful to avoid leaving any lights on that cast a lot of shadows, which can actually be detrimental to one's eyesight. A small lamp on either side of the screen or a soft overhead light should do the trick.
eye care boulder
Adjust Display Settings Furthermore, computer users are encouraged to adjust their computer's display settings to benefit their eyes. Specifically, default font settings should be on the medium to larger size, not so small that one needs to squint in order to read the screen. Screen brightness should also be kept as high as possible at all times. When possible, read long documents only when they consist of black text on a white background, which is the ideal level of contrast for one's eyes. Taking eye care Boulder and preventing CVS as a frequent computer user can be a struggle, but by following these tips, preserving one's eyesight is possible.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Proper Eye Care May Require More Than Annual Visits

Historically, many people have been told that they should visit their eye doctors annually in order to get their eyes checked and receive eye care Boulder.

eye care boulder

Unfortunately, focusing on visiting the eye doctor once a year does not help people prevent complications of the eye, which can jeopardize their eyesight. The following are reasons people may need to visit their eye doctor more frequently.

eye care boulder
Accidents that Injure Eyes 

Many people of different ages experience accidents that lead to eye injuries. In severe cases it is obvious when someone should visit their eye doctor in order to help preserve their sight. However, there are accidents that cause injuries to people’s eyes that are not so obvious and many people fail to get the care they need from their ophthalmologist. Complications resulting from failing to get proper care include, infections, reduced vision, and loss of sight. Whenever anyone experiences an accident that injures their eye, they need to visit the doctor immediately and as frequently as prescribed.

eye care boulder

Individuals that are aging face many complications with their bodies. For instance, their eyes do not adjust to light as they did when they were younger, which causes them to see blurry images. Although the loss of sight is a normal process of aging, visiting the ophthalmologist can help seniors retain as much of their vision as they can while they are aging, which improves their quality of life. People should not limit their visits to annual screenings since preventing damage to one’s eye is extremely important.
eye care boulder
Individuals Battling Diseases 

Aging, weak immune systems, and a host of other complications increase the rate at which Americans are acquiring diseases. Many of these diseases impact a person’s vision, even though the disease may not directly deal with their eyes. People who are battling these diseases must report to their eye doctor for eye car in Boulder on a regular basis so that their doctor can educate them on maintaining their vision. 

People should not jeopardize their vision by limiting their visits to the eye doctor to just one each year. They should cherish and protect their vision by visiting their eye doctor frequently after an accident, if they are battling diseases, or if they are a part of the aging community. With regular visits to their ophthalmologist, they can reduce complications, which helps them maintain their vision longer.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Common Eye Care Practices and Options

There are many facets to eye care Boulder and elsewhere, but not everyone needs all of them. In fact, most people will only need a few of the possible services beyond an eye exam. This exam is the one thing everyone should have on a regular basis because it allows eye doctors to learn whether or not each person needs anything else.
eye care boulder
eye care boulderThere are two types of eye exams that are commonly available. The most basic version simply tests visual acuity and is used to determine eyeglass prescriptions. When people want to get a pair of glasses made quickly, they are usually given this type of exam.

The other type of eye exam is far more detailed, and it is used to find out whether any eye diseases are present. Patients can expect to have their pupils dilated so that the doctor can see down to the retina from the outside. Viewing the retina allows the detection of problems like degeneration, retinal tears, and similar things. Air will also be pulsed against the eyes to test how much pressure is within them. This part of the test lets doctors find out whether or not glaucoma is present. A visual acuity test will be done before the pupils get dilated. Once the dilation is done, the ability to focus will be temporarily blocked. This makes it important to do everything in the right order.
eye care boulder
If any problems are discovered, the appropriate treatments will be prescribed. In many cases, eye problems can be fixed. Even some forms of glaucoma can now be treated by surgery, whereas in the past, there were no such options.

eye care boulderPatients who were once told that their conditions were untreatable should be sure to continue to get checkups. That way, they can take advantage of any new developments that have come along. As it stands, some of the things that were totally untreatable 20 or so years ago can now either be cured or at least helped by new procedures and medications. Who knows what will be possible five or 10 years from now?

While full-service eye clinics offer advanced treatments and surgical options for a variety of conditions, most people will get even better news from their eye exams: they will have no major problems to worry about. Even so, it's important for people with good eyes (or who only need glasses) to get regular checkups. This will ensure that any emerging problems are caught quickly so that vision can be preserved.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Types Of Diabetic Eye Conditions A Person May Experience

eye care boulder
Diabetes is a serious disease that can affect children, adults and older seniors in Boulder. Proper eye care, eating healthy and avoiding bad habits can help people avoid such a disease. If a person does become a diabetic, they can experience a number of health issues such as heart disease, kidney failure and eye diseases. Diabetic eye diseases can be treated if they are detected early. People who do not obtain eye care Boulder when they have diabetes may experience vision loss or blindness.

Types of Diabetic Eye Conditions
eye care boulder
There are several different types of diabetic eye diseases. Three of the main diseases are cataracts, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common condition a person may experience.

Cataracts are a cloudiness along the lens of the eyes. This cloudiness is caused by protein in the eyes that begins to build up. The build up of protein prevents light from passing through the lens of the eye, which allows for images to be processed by the brain. Cataracts can cause a loss of vision to diabetics as objects look cloud and blurry. Eyeglasses, bifocals or cataract surgery are certain eye care treatments that can correct cataract problems for people in Boulder.

eye care boulder
Glaucoma is an eye condition where there is unwanted pressure to the eye that can damage the optical nerve. This pressure, called intraocular pressure, can continue to increase until a person loses their vision. Glaucoma usually occurs to older adults as it can be hard for a person to detect unless they have routine eye exams.

Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy occurs when there are abnormal blood vessels in the retina. These blood vessels can leak fluid or blood as they swell. For people in Boulder, new blood vessels that are abnormal in nature may begin to grow on the retina's surface. Blindness and vision loss may occur. Laser surgery can treat diabetic retinopathy. This surgery can reduce the chance of a person becoming blind but will not restore vision for a person who may have already lost it. 

eye care boulder
Anybody who has diabetes can get any of these diabetic eye diseases. Proper treatment of diabetes and eye care in Boulder can eliminate the chances of getting these diseases or prevent further damage to the eyes. Vision loss does not have to occur so long as a person receives early detection tests and treatment.

Monday, February 9, 2015

3 Tips for Choosing Glasses That Fit Properly

With so many different styles of eyeglasses available these days, it can sometimes be difficult to select the style of frames that are best for one's face. After all, everybody has a different face shape, and not all frames look best on all face shapes. Fortunately, there are a few simple guidelines one can keep in mind while shopping for eyeglasses that can help them select the right frames with confidence.

eye care boulder

Where Do the Frames Rest?

When trying on eyeglasses at an eye care boulder, it's important to consider where the frames rest on the face. Ideally, a pair of glasses that fits properly should rest mainly on the bridge of the nose. However, with some of the larger frames that are popular these days, the frames may actually sit more so on the cheeks than on the bridge of the nose. This is a problem because when the person smiles or talks, the eyeglass frames will move. If the frames rest on the cheeks, this is a sign they're too large.

lasik boulder

Do the Tops of the Frames Cover the Eyebrows?

Another important consideration to keep in mind when shopping for eyeglass frames is whether or not the tops of the frames cover the eyebrows. Frames that fit properly should rest just below the eyebrows so that the brows are still completely visible. Frames that are too big or thick may actually cover the eyebrows and give the appearance of a unibrow, which isn't the look anybody wants to achieve when shopping for glasses!

lasik boulder

What About Face Shape?

Finally, considering one's unique face shape can also help when it comes to shopping for new eyeglasses. Those with round faces, for example, should shop for frames that have sharp angles. This can help to offset the natural roundness of the face and make the face itself appear slimmer. On the other hand, those with an oval or square-jaw face may be better suited for round frames, which can help offset some of the natural angles and longness in the face. Those with a heart-shaped face have it the easiest when shopping for glasses, as they tend to look good in just about any type of eyeglass frames.By keeping these tips in mind while shopping for new glasses, it's easier to find frames that will fit properly and stay in-style for years to come.

eye care boulder