Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tips for Avoiding Digital Eye Strain

People who work at a computer for extended periods of time run the risk of suffering from eye strain. By following a few guidelines, computer users can avoid digital eye strain problems. Here are a few tips to help people get started.

eye care boulder

Start with an Eye Exam
People who are wise will take steps to care for their vision. Proper eye care Boulder begins with scheduling regular eye exams. Through routine exams, doctors can keep tabs on a person’s eye health and alert them to problems early so they can get proper treatment. Early treatment can help prevent major glaucoma boulder problems later on.

Adjust Lighting
Bright lights reflecting off a computer screen can irritate the eyes. Closing curtains and blinds and using lower intensity light bulbs can help bring ambient light to a more appropriate level for computer use. Positioning a computer on the side of a window reduces reflection from outside lighting that can irritate the eyes.

Some people experience eye strain when using overhead fluorescent tube lighting during work hours due to excessive brightness. Floor lamps or full spectrum fluorescent lights may resolve the problem. Reducing outside lighting can minimize glare that can put a strain on the eyes. Eye glass users should consider investing in anti-reflective lenses to eliminate problems with glare.

Adjust PC Display Settings
Computer users can minimize problems with eye strain by adjusting the brightness and text size on their screen. The brightness on a computer screen should be similar to that of the surrounding lasik boulder lighting. Text should be large enough for people to see comfortably without straining their eyes. This may vary from person to person. Some people prefer a larger text when reading or typing for longer periods of time.

Take Breaks to Rest or Exercise Eyes
Taking frequent breaks from the computer will reduce the risk of eye discomfort and fatigue. It’s recommended that computer users take half a dozen 5-minute breaks throughout the day as opposed to only two long breaks. Frequent breaks will reduce the strain of focusing on one spot and help people stay awake and alert longer. Greater alertness can improve productivity.

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Computer users should get in the habit of blinking often to keep the eyes well lubricated. It’s also good to exercise the eyes regularly to avoid eye fatigue from staring at a computer screen.

Proper eye care is the key to reducing eye problems and retaining good vision.

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