Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Finding Good Eye Care in Boulder

The eyes are the windows to the soul. Theyre also some of the most critical components of the human body.

When they dont function properly or wear out prematurely, the results can be devastating. Fortunately, people can protect their eyes by finding good eye care Boulder.

eye care boulder

Here are some tips to do just that.

1. Schedule a consultation with several doctors

Most optometrists schedule a consultation to meet with new clients. Often, this initial appointment is free, and it can help a new client get a good understanding of what a doctors approach to care is, and how he or she intends to address certain issues or problems. Whats more, its also a great way for a new client to determine if he or she would work well with a new doctor or not.

eye care boulder

2. Ask for referrals

People who find good optometrists generally stick with them. With this in mind, its generally easy to find a good option by asking around with friends and family.

When someone has a doctor they love, theyre typically more than willing to share the news with the people around them, and this can be an effective way to find a great optometrist who tends to a patients needs effectively.

3. Prepare a set of questions

Every optometrist is different, and preparing a set of questions to ask ever doctor is a great way for patients to understand what makes each of them tick, and how each doctor practices differently from his or her competition.

eye care boulder

Whats more, asking specific questions is an effective way for a new patient to determine a doctors experience level with a specific issue, and determine the doctors level of ability.

4. Communicate needs clearly

Communicating needs is one of the most essential things for a patient to do. Because doctors do their best to cater to the unique needs and concerns of each patient, communicating them as well as possible is one of the only true ways for patients to find good eye care in Boulder.

Additionally, clear communication of needs early on will help ensure a good doctor-patient relationship, and facilitate better care down the road.

5. Check reviews

Reviews are a wealth of information about a new doctor, and they can go a long way toward telling a patient everything he or she needs to know about a new doctor.

Whether the reviews are personal reviews from friends or family or anonymous reviews on online sites, theyre valuable forms of information, and are typically integral in the process of finding a doctor to work with.

eye care boulder

While its true that locating a good optometrist can be difficult, patients who do their due diligence and work hard to locate a doctor with the skills, compassion, and experience needed will be rewarded with an optometrist who works well for the patient in the long-term and short-term alike. This helps reduce turnover rates and keep care consistent in the future. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

When Is It Time To Seek Eye Care In Boulder?

eye care boulderThe eyes are a sensitive part of the body, and taking good care of them is crucial to having a good quality of life. Eye care is more than just checking eyesight and prescribing glasses. It is also about making sure the eyes are healthy and functioning. If the eyes aren’t taken care of and problems are left unchecked, the results could be disastrous. Knowing when it is time to go in for eye care boulder is a crucial part of taking care of one’s eyes. Taking care of the eyes is the best way to prevent loss of eyesight or other complications that could arise.

eye care boulderKnow The Signs Of Common Eye Disorders The best way to prevent major complications with the eyes is to know early signs of problems, and getting in to the eye doctor to get checked. Some common eye problems like dry eye are hardly life threatening, but still uncomfortable. Other problems however, such as macular degeneration can have devastating effects and cause life changing damage. People who are experiencing blurred vision should definitely seek medical attention. Blurred vision is a prominent symptom of macular degeneration, which can cause blindness. This symptom is also common to other diseases.

eye care boulderBlurry vision can also simply be a sign of aging for older adults, and it could indicate a need for glasses at any age. Even though the blurry vision can be a simple indication of vision problems, it is always better to get checked to ensure the problem isn’t more serious. Some eye problems cause pain in the eye or around it. Any pain, redness, itching, or any sudden changes in vision should also be checked. People who have a family history of eye disorders should go in for regular checkups often to ensure any problems that arise can be caught quickly. A skilled eye doctor will catch major diseases, correct vision problems, and ultimately make sure that a patient’s eyes are healthy and functioning as they should be.

eye care boulderWhat Does The Eye Doctor Do? Anyone who needs eye care in Boulder will need to see an eye doctor. An eye doctor is able to perform an in depth eye exam and diagnose any problems that come up. Once a diagnosis is made, treatment can start. The treatment will depend on the diagnosis. Some problems are as simple as prescribing glasses or contact lenses. Some diseases such as pink eye or dry eye can be corrected with eye drops or antibiotics. Other problems, such as cataracts, may require surgery. Whatever the complication is, an eye doctor will be able to provide the care necessary to correct it. Losing one’s eyesight is completely debilitating, but it can often be prevented by an eye doctor. A person who has noticed issues with his or her eyes should definitely seek professional help to ensure the problem does not persist or worsen.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Eye Care in Boulder: Common Eye Problems and Their Symptoms

eye care boulderAlthough eye problems are generally associated with ageing, they can affect anyone at any age. Eye care can treat these problems, but people should know what to look for. Here is a list of common eye problems and their symptoms.


This eye problem occurs when a person is unable to clearly see small print and close objects. It is a normal process associated with age, with most people not noticing any changes until after the age of 40. This problem can be made better or improved with reading glasses, LASIK and a number of other procedures.

Dry Eyes

This occurs when the tear glands make poor quality tears or an insufficient amount of tears. Symptoms include uncomfortable, painful, stinging, burning or itching eyes, blurry vision and redness of the eye. Dry eye syndrome may leave a person vulnerable to bacterial infections. If left untreated, it can lead to scarring of the cornea, and in severe cases can lead to loss of vision.


eye care boulderThe lens of the eye is supposed to be clear. However, with age, sometimes the lens turns cloudy due to proteins inside the lens clumping together. This may be caused by not wearing eye protection when out in the sun, high blood sugar, smoking, high blood pressure, steroid medications or hormone replacement therapy. Symptoms include:

·         Blurry vision which gets worse over time
·         Poor night vision
·         Light sensitivity
·         Seeing ‘halos’ around lights
·         Frequent need for stronger glasses
·         Seeing through a yellow tint
·         Seeing double


Glaucoma is a result of pressure buildup in the eye and can lead to the optic nerve being damaged. It is often caused by eye injuries, eye infection, inflammatory conditions of the eye, and blocked blood vessels. Symptoms include eye pain, redness of the eye, sudden blurred vision, sudden disturbances in vision, and seeing colored ‘halos’ around lights.


eye care boulderAlso known as ‘pink eye’ or ‘red eye.’ Conjunctivitis occurs when the tissue lining the eyelids and cornea becomes inflamed. This is often caused by infection, allergies or exposure to irritants and chemicals. Frequent hand-washing before eating significantly reduces a person’s chances of getting ‘pink eye.’

Night Blindness

People with night blindness have poor vision in dimly lit areas or at night. The only symptom of night blindness is problems seeing in the dark. It can have many causes including cataracts or nearsightedness. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause.

Eye Care Boulder: What to Do

These are just some of the common eye problems many people experience. If a person is experiencing these symptoms it is important that they see an eye doctor immediately. Treatment is often simple and may not require surgery. But if these conditions are left untreated, they can lead to more serious problems such as loss of vision.

eye care boulder

General eye care Boulder is essential. Frequent eye checks should be done by a doctor and people can also help prevent eye problems by eating a balanced diet, wearing sunglasses and not smoking.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Importance of Getting Regular Eye Care in Boulder

The eyes are some of the most important organs in the entire human body. They are small, but they are extremely complex and require an appropriate amount of attention and care. It’s so common for people to skip over their annual eye exams because they feel that their vision and eyes are in good health, only to find out later that they have an eye condition which could have been caught and treated before it became too severe.

During an annual eye exam, it’s also possible to get a new prescription for eyeglasses if a patient’s vision has changed over the years. When people know what can happen if they don’t receive regular eye care in Boulder, they are going to be more likely to make their optometrist appointments.

Conditions a Doctor Can Catch With Regular Eye Care in Boulder

Those who think that they can just skip over their eye appointment and will be just fine need to know that there are a number of conditions which show no symptoms, yet can be very damaging to the eyes.

Glaucoma is a condition that relates to the pressure in the eyes, and it often has no symptoms until it starts to cause damage to the optic nerves. While some people will feel pressure and pain in their eyes, this condition doesn’t always have symptoms. However, during a regular eye exam, an optometrist will be able to detect if a person has or is developing glaucoma. The earlier this condition is caught, the easier it is to treat. Also, the less damage it will do.

Presbyopia is a vision issue that develops in many people as they start to get older. It’s similar to being farsighted, except that it is not caused by genetics. People develop this condition when the lens in their eye starts to lose elasticity, and it makes it more difficult for them to see normally. Glasses or contacts can easily correct this condition, and it can also be treated with laser eye surgery.

Cataracts are another vision problem that people develop as they get older, and they can be caught and treated before they cause any vision impairment. A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens, which is caused by protein buildups. Some people are not adversely affected by them, but many people are unable to see because of their cataracts. Treating them is quite easy, though it does involve an optical surgery where the lens is removed and replaced with a synthetic one.

Don’t Miss An Appointment for Eye Care Boulder

The aforementioned conditions are just some of the things that an eye doctor is going to be looking for during an exam. There are also plenty of other things that will be looked for and caught if a person is making their regular eye exams. Those who are serious about taking care of their health and retaining good vision are going to ensure they make their annual eye exams.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Optimal Eye Care in Boulder—Protecting People From Serious Eye Issues

Many people put off having their eyes checked by an optometrist until there is a problem. While optometrist and ophthalmic doctors are very good at treating sudden problems, they would prefer that people come in for regular checkups.
Basic eye care Boulder, including annual checkups, can help eye doctors to find problems before they become major issues.

eye care boulder

5 Eye Problems That Can Lead to Major Damage If Not Caught Early

1. Uveitis
Uveitis is a disease of the middle of the eye. A patient will experience sudden pain, redness, sensitivity to light, and blurred vision. The fluid in the center of the eye—called the Vitreous fluid—becomes inflamed. The inflammation and resultant loss of vision can have a number of causes, including cancer, an inflammatory disease (like Crohn’s disease), an autoimmune disease, or an infection. If left unattended it can lead to permanent loss of vision.

eye care boulder

2. Retinal Detachment
Often caused by head trauma, retinal detachment causes blurred vision and can lead to blindness if it’s not taken care of as soon as possible. This eye issue is often seen in boxers—who experience head trauma regularly—and elderly people. 

The trauma can cause the retina to detach or small tears in the retina can lead to the Vitreous fluid leaking into the back of the eye, which causes the retina to continue to tear and detach from the back of the eye. Surgery is needed to reattach the retina. If this surgery happens, sight can be restored.

3. Diabetic Eye Disease
Patients with Diabetes are at risk of developing Diabetic Eye Disease. This is a condition in which high levels of blood sugar damage the small blood vessels of the retina. The retina is tissue in the back of the eye that detects light and sends a message to the Optic Nerve so that the brain recognizes the light. High sugar levels cause the blood vessels to bleed, which distorts the patient’s vision, eventually to the point of blindness.

eye care boulder

4. Histoplasmosis
Histoplasmosis is caused by a fungus that is found in soil wherever bird or bat droppings accumulate. People who sweep chicken coops or plow fields are at risk for inhaling the fungus. Symptoms aren’t always noticeable. Most people experience flu-like symptoms; but in some cases, the fungus can cause serious eye problems. Ocular histoplasmosis syndrome is actually the leading cause of vision impairment and loss in people between the ages of 20 and 40 in the US.

5. Trauma
Blindness is most commonly caused by eye disease, as opposed to eye injury. The majority of people experiencing eye trauma recover fully. This doesn’t mean that an injury shouldn’t be evaluated by an eye professional. Four percent of people who have an eye injury end up blind, while 11 percent experience impaired vision.

Eye Care in Boulder—Promoting Optimal Eye Health

Regular eye care in Boulder is the best way to prevent eye diseases and blindness. Eye specialists do all they can to protect the eye health of their patients. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Although eye problems are generally associated with aging, they can affect anyone at any age. Eye care specialists in Boulder can treat these problems, but people should know what to look for. Here is a list of common eye problems and their symptoms.

This eye problem occurs when a person is unable to clearly see small print and close objects. It is a normal process associated with age, with most people not noticing any changes until after the age of 40. This problem can be made better or improved with reading glasses, LASIK, and a number of other procedures.

eye care boulder

Dry Eyes
This occurs when the tear glands make poor quality tears or an insufficient amount of tears. Symptoms include uncomfortable, painful, stinging, burning or itching eyes, blurry vision, and redness of the eye. Dry eye syndrome may leave a person vulnerable to bacterial infections. If left untreated, it can lead to scarring of the cornea, and in severe cases can lead to loss of vision.

The lens of the eye is supposed to be clear. However, with age, sometimes the lens turns cloudy due to proteins inside the lens clumping together. This may be caused by not wearing eye protection when out in the sun, high blood sugar, smoking, high blood pressure, steroid medications or hormone replacement therapy. Symptoms include:
·         Blurry vision which gets worse over time
·         Poor night vision
·         Light sensitivity
·         Seeing ‘halos’ around lights
·         Frequent need for stronger glasses
·         Seeing through a yellow tint
·         Seeing double

eye care boulder

Glaucoma is a result of pressure buildup in the eye and can lead to the optic nerve being damaged. It is often caused by eye injuries, eye infection, inflammatory conditions of the eye, and blocked blood vessels. Symptoms include eye pain, redness of the eye, sudden blurred vision, sudden disturbances in vision, and seeing colored ‘halos’ around lights.

Also known as ‘pink eye’ or ‘red eye.’ Conjunctivitis occurs when the tissue lining the eyelids and cornea becomes inflamed. This is often caused by infection, allergies or exposure to irritants and chemicals. Frequent hand-washing before eating significantly reduces a person’s chances of getting ‘pink eye.’

eye care boulder

Night Blindness
People with night blindness have poor vision in dimly lit areas or at night. The only symptom of night blindness is problems seeing in the dark. It can have many causes including cataracts or nearsightedness. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause.

These are just some of the common eye problems many people experience. If a person is experiencing these symptoms it is important that they see an eye doctor immediately. Treatment is often simple and may not require surgery. But if these conditions are left untreated, they can lead to more serious problems such as loss of vision.

eye care boulder

General eye care Boulder is essential. Frequent eye checks should be done by a doctor and people can also help prevent eye problems by eating a balanced diet, wearing sunglasses and not smoking.


Although eye problems are generally associated with aging, they can affect anyone at any age. Eye care specialists in Boulder can treat these problems, but people should know what to look for. Here is a list of common eye problems and their symptoms.

This eye problem occurs when a person is unable to clearly see small print and close objects. It is a normal process associated with age, with most people not noticing any changes until after the age of 40. This problem can be made better or improved with reading glasses, LASIK, and a number of other procedures.

eye care boulder

Dry Eyes
This occurs when the tear glands make poor quality tears or an insufficient amount of tears. Symptoms include uncomfortable, painful, stinging, burning or itching eyes, blurry vision, and redness of the eye. Dry eye syndrome may leave a person vulnerable to bacterial infections. If left untreated, it can lead to scarring of the cornea, and in severe cases can lead to loss of vision.

The lens of the eye is supposed to be clear. However, with age, sometimes the lens turns cloudy due to proteins inside the lens clumping together. This may be caused by not wearing eye protection when out in the sun, high blood sugar, smoking, high blood pressure, steroid medications or hormone replacement therapy. Symptoms include:
·         Blurry vision which gets worse over time
·         Poor night vision
·         Light sensitivity
·         Seeing ‘halos’ around lights
·         Frequent need for stronger glasses
·         Seeing through a yellow tint
·         Seeing double

eye care boulder

Glaucoma is a result of pressure buildup in the eye and can lead to the optic nerve being damaged. It is often caused by eye injuries, eye infection, inflammatory conditions of the eye, and blocked blood vessels. Symptoms include eye pain, redness of the eye, sudden blurred vision, sudden disturbances in vision, and seeing colored ‘halos’ around lights.

Also known as ‘pink eye’ or ‘red eye.’ Conjunctivitis occurs when the tissue lining the eyelids and cornea becomes inflamed. This is often caused by infection, allergies or exposure to irritants and chemicals. Frequent hand-washing before eating significantly reduces a person’s chances of getting ‘pink eye.’

eye care boulder

Night Blindness
People with night blindness have poor vision in dimly lit areas or at night. The only symptom of night blindness is problems seeing in the dark. It can have many causes including cataracts or nearsightedness. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause.

These are just some of the common eye problems many people experience. If a person is experiencing these symptoms it is important that they see an eye doctor immediately. Treatment is often simple and may not require surgery. But if these conditions are left untreated, they can lead to more serious problems such as loss of vision.

eye care boulder

General eye care Boulder is essential. Frequent eye checks should be done by a doctor and people can also help prevent eye problems by eating a balanced diet, wearing sunglasses and not smoking.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

How to Get the Best Eye Care in Boulder

eye care boulderIt can be difficult to find the right eye doctor, especially in a large city where there are many options. In this case, it’s important to look at a number of factors to determine if an eye doctor or practice is the best for a person’s particular needs – whether they are a senior citizen dealing with cataracts, or a school-age child who needs glasses for the first time. Whatever the concern, the most important criteria for the best eye care boulder are included below.

eye care boulderExperience When it comes to choosing an eye doctor, looking at their experience, education, and credentials is necessary. Find out where they received their degrees and any other relevant education. Look at how many years they have been in practice. Experience alone is not the best indicator, however. Make sure to take other factors into consideration along with experience to find the best eye doctor and the best eye care. Services Offered Does the practice or office specialize in certain types of eye care? Do they offer care for the kind of treatment or exam needed? Potential patients should also check to see if their insurance is accepted at the eye care center of their choice.

eye care boulderFacilities Going to any kind of doctor can be nerve-wracking for some people. An eye care center’s facilities can help put people at ease and make them feel comfortable. They should be clean and tidy as well as cater to patients’ well-being. The facilities should also be in a convenient location for ease of access. Recommendations Recommendations from family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and other acquaintances can be a great source for finding the right eye care. Trusted contacts can give the name of their own eye doctor or eye care center where they feel the service and quality of care are high. These recommendations and excellent to take into consideration along with the other factors such as services, facilities, and years of experience.

eye care boulderReviews In many cases eye care centers and eye doctors will have reviews from past and current patients online. Attention should not be paid to angry, one-line reviews, however, because these are subjective and not totally reliable. It’s also clear that not everyone can be pleased and sometimes circumstances are out of the control of the provider. Prospective eye care patients should look for honest, in-depth reviews that avoid subjective opinions. Conclusion Finding the best eye care in Boulder is not too tough if one carefully considers important factors when choosing between a few different options. These include the doctors’ years of experience/education, the location and comfort of the facilities, specializations or services offered, recommendations from friends/family, and non-biased online reviews of the eye care center or eye doctor. Prospective patients looking for eye care should be able to get the best service available to them, but this is far less likely to happen if one first doesn’t do careful research and weigh the pros and cons. Choosing smartly is what will result in the best choice.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Getting Quality Eye Care in Boulder

eye care boulderWhile general health practitioners can help detect a variety of health issues, sometimes a specialist is necessary to give individuals the quality check-ups and treatments they need. This is especially true when it comes to a very important, sensitive, and vulnerable part of the body like the eyes. Everyone wants to get quality eye care boulder, and finding the right facility means getting the most advanced treatment at a comfortable rate. There are specific conditions which can affect the eyes, and finding the right facility allows individuals to get the best treatment for these ailments from field specialists.

eye care boulderGetting Basic Exams and Check-Ups While a family doctor or standard physician can provide insight for basic conditions that a person’s eyes may be exhibiting, optometrists can provide a much more thorough and detailed diagnosis. Quality eye care in Boulder can be found at a number of facilities. Not only are professionals licensed and trained according to the best methods in the industry, but they continue their studies in order to learn more advanced techniques and better treatments for common conditions. And while becoming a regular patient can give individuals a reliable resource for making sure their eyes remain healthy, many facilities are also welcoming to out of town patients who need one-time or spur of the moment treatment.

eye care boulderTreatment for Out of Town Patients Patients who need quick and immediate eye care can often be accommodated at one of the facilities in the area. Most can help streamline the preliminary paperwork and get newcomers in quickly. In addition, many eye offices provide an online guide to hotels in the area as well as other valuable information that visitors may find useful. And while basic exams and treatment are the most common reasons that patients visit an optometrist’s office, many of these facilities can provide treatment for serious eye conditions.

eye care boulderGetting Treatment for Glaucoma and Other Illnesses There are a number of serious illnesses that affect the eyes. Getting these treated in a timely manner by a qualified protection is vital for making sure that the problem is resolved effectively. While not all standard optometry facilities provide care for ailments like glaucoma, many are certified in the most state-of-the-art methods for treating such diseases. And while modern methods are helpful in producing good results for patients, oftentimes proper habits are enough to help anyone keep their eyes in good health. Though serious conditions like this require professional assistance, optometrists can provide valuable insight about ways patients can protect their eyes in day to day life. Helping to Spread Awareness about Eye Conditions One of the best ways to avoid eye conditions is to be knowledgeable about what causes them and how they can be prevented. Many professionals within the industry have joined together to create high-quality information centers both online and in print to help people further their awareness about eye health. Facilities that participate in this type of program can also provide guidance to other specialists as needed to help patients.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Eye Exercises to Assist with Boulder Eye Care

Just like any other muscle in the human body, eyes need regular exercise in order for them to stay healthy. While eye exercises cannot alter the eye’s eye care boulder basic anatomy, they can help the eyes to continue to do intense eye usage tasks such as computer work and television watching. For any other problems, there is always good eye care Boulder.

Exercises for the eyes help with eye care in Boulder

Comedienne W. C. Fields was once quoted as saying that whenever he thought of exercise, he laid down and waited for the thought to pass. Exercise is not always a welcome topic, but these eye exercises are simple and do not require a lot of time to perform:

1. Blinking the eyes
When people blink, their eyes segue into a brief phase of darkness that refreshes their eyes, encourages moisture in the eyes, reduces eyestrain, relaxes the focus, and soothes the eyes. Blinking every three to four seconds for a period of two minutes can help computer-strained eyes be ready for more work.

Blinking or not blinking is also helpful in interpersonal relations because a blink-less stare is a sign of aggression. Blinking can defuse a super-charged atmosphere and ensure that the other party doesn’t feel under attack.

glaucoma boulder

2. Palming the eyes
Palming the eyes is as simple an exercise as blinking, but it can make a huge difference in the way the eyes feel and it can positively impact a person’s working day. It is done by taking a few deep breaths, then placing the cup of the palm of both hands over the eyes. The fingers rest on the cheekbone and the heel of the hands rests on the cheekbone. Done properly, a person is still able to blink when the eyes are palmed.

As a yoga exercise, it is done by:
• Sitting quietly with eyes closed, taking deep breaths to relax completely.
• Rubbing the palms together vigorously until they become warm, and then lacing them over the eyes so that the warmth from the palms can be felt.
• Allowing the warmth to be transferred onto the eyes to relax the eye muscles while the eyes are encased in darkness.
• Holding this position until the heat from the palms has dissipated.
• Keeping the eyes closed, repeating the process at least three full times.

lasik boulder

3. Tracing the figure eights
This exercise is first done by imagining an upright figure eight approximately ten feet in front, and then tracing the figure eight with the eyes for a few minutes. Next the figure eight is turned on its side horizontally but still facing forward, and a repeat of the tracing is performed.

4. Focusing near and far
With the person in a seated position and taking deep breaths, the thumb is placed approximately 10 inches in front of the person’s face, becoming a focal point. The cataracts boulder person alternates focusing on the thumb and something 10-20 feet away with each intake of breath, doing this for two to three minutes.

5. Zooming is similar to focusing
From a seated position, the arm is extended in front with the thumb upraised to a fully stretched out position, and then moved to about 3 inches from the face. The focus remains on the thumb while the thumb moves from near to far and back again for approximately 3 minutes.

These eye exercises will not change the shape of a person’s eye or change the need for eye care in Boulder, but they will help the eyes on a day-to-day basis.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

5 Main Health-Related Aspects Emphasized by Reliable Eye Care in Boulder

Having good vision is an important asset at any age. This is precisely why a good eye doctor in Boulder will always strive to offer their patients the best guidelines on how to protect their eyes and minimize threats that could lead to excessive fatigue, redness, low vision and several other health concerns impacting people’s ability to work, as well as their health and overall well-being.

Key Aspects Highlighted by Professional Eye Care in Boulder during Routine Check-ups

Aside from creating and implementing treatment plans tailored to the nature and extent of each medical issue reported by patients, the experts employed by eye care centers will also highlight the importance of the five key aspects listed below. These contribute a great deal to improved eye health and better vision.

eye care boulder

1. A Good Diet Supports Better Vision. To begin with, many professionals recommend dietary changes supporting an improved vision. Recent studies indicate that better eye glaucoma boulder health can be achieved and maintained by eating certain categories of foods, such as oily fish, citrus fruits, beans, nuts, eggs and green leafy vegetables, on a regular basis.

2. A New Lifestyle as a Non-Smoker. Moreover, each appointment scheduled by a patient is a good opportunity for a provider in Boulder to remind individuals just how important it is to avoid smoking. Statistics show that smokers are more likely to develop one or more medical concerns linked to eye health, such as optic nerve damage, cataracts or macular degeneration. A good eye doctor could even help the patient select and implement the best personalized strategies to give up smoking.

3. The Importance of Wearing the Right Type of Glasses. Also, a specialist will allow patients to identify, buy and wear the best type of sunglasses designed to protect the eyes from UV rays. lasik boulder Extensive UV exposure may increase the likelihood of getting macular degeneration and cataracts, so it is extremely important for patients to invest in quality sunglasses that manage to block anywhere from 99% to 100% of the UVB and UVA rays that they are exposed to on a daily basis. A good eye doctor can recommend the best sunglasses for each individual based on his or her unique needs. For instance, drivers may require polarized lenses to minimize glare, while people requiring the highest level of protection against UVA/UVB rays may need wraparound lenses, which safeguard the eyes from side to side.

4. The Importance of Using the Most Suitable Eyewear at Work. Furthermore, a specialist can guide patients towards the simplest and most effective ways to shield their eyes in their working environment. For example, people handling potentially hazardous materials should wear protective goggles at work. Individuals playing certain sports, such as lacrosse or rugby, should wear quality protective equipment. These can include helmets featuring protective face masks or durable, solid sports goggles that come with sturdy polycarbonate lenses to avoid injuries during daily activities.

cataracts boulder

5. Expert Advice on How to Cope with Daily Stressors. Last but not least, during a first consultation, professional eye care Boulder will also provide personalized advice to his or her patients, aiming to prevent or address concerns associated with daily stressors, such as staring at computer screens for long periods of time. This issue can lead to several negative effects, including eyestrain, blurry vision, headaches and difficulties focusing at a greater distance. Fortunately, all these complications can be avoided through a sequel of steps, including repositioning the computer, avoiding glare on the screen from light sources and windows, and wearing the most suitable type of contact lenses or glasses.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Sight Defenders: Bilberry and Lutein for Great Eye Care in Boulder

Although neither of them appears with a cape or a mask, both Bilberry and Lutein are major sight defenders. They are not faster than a speeding bullet or able to leap tall buildings with a single bound, but they can quickly restore one’s vision to near normalcy when macular degeneration begins to creep in.

eye care boulder

The Benefits of Lutein

When it comes to eye care Boulder, lutein is a major sight defender. Lutein (pronounced LOO-teen) is a pigment that is one of the over 600 known carotenoids occurring in nature. Lutein is in egg yolks, corn, spinach, broccoli, kale, turnip greens, collards, lettuce, okra, and carrots.

It can also be found in eye tissues such as the retina’s pigment and parts of the lens. Lutein appears to have a role in slowing age-related degeneration of these tissues. Research indicates that there is a direct correlation between lutein ingestion and eye pigmentation. Furthermore, lutein may absorb blue light and cause a 90 percent reduction in blue light intensity.

eye care boulder

Supplementation with lutein helps when:
     Allergies to lutein-rich foods preclude a person’s being able to eat sufficient amounts of it
     Illness, age, or genetic predisposition cause a person’s digestive system to be functioning sub-optimally
     People consume foods grown in poor soil that is pesticide-laden and chemically fertilized, as these foods are nutrient-depleted.

Lutein has become popular as a supplement either alone or in combination with bilberry and zeaxanthin for daily eye support and for the improvement and prevention of visual problems such as macular degeneration. Humans eat about 1 to 3 mg of lutein per day.

Benefits of Bilberry

Bilberry is another antioxidant that is very helpful for eye care. It is known by many names: fraughan, myrtle blueberry, whortleberry, whinberry, blueberry, and winberry. It grows as a shrub in temperate climates and produces a fruit that can be eaten fresh or used in preserves or desserts. There is also a drink that is made from it: bilberry liqueur. In addition to helping with eye care, the leaves from bilberry are also used to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, typhoid fever, and kidney stones.

eye care boulder

The anthocyanosides in bilberry have been demonstrated to strengthen blood vessels and the walls of capillaries, improve the flexibility of red blood cells allowing them to better deliver oxygen, and cause a stabilization in collagen tissues such as tendons, cartilage, and ligaments. These anthocyanosides also lower cholesterol. 

Within the eyes, the anthocyanosides in bilberry increase pigments of the retina, which allows light to be more tolerable to the eye. It is thought that the ability of bilberry to improve eyesight and night vision is due to the fact that there is a high concentration of capillaries in the eye that can receive more oxygen and other nutrients thanks to the increased flexibility of the red blood cells and the vasodilating (opening) effect of bilberry on the capillaries.

eye care boulder

Bilberry, Lutein and Zeaxanthin: the Triple Threat for Eye Care in Boulder

Bilberry and lutein together make the perfect caped defenders of one’s eyesight. They work even better when they are joined by zeaxanthin. This threesome is a great additive to a regimen of eye care in Boulder.