Monday, April 18, 2016

Eye Exercises to Assist with Boulder Eye Care

Just like any other muscle in the human body, eyes need regular exercise in order for them to stay healthy. While eye exercises cannot alter the eye’s eye care boulder basic anatomy, they can help the eyes to continue to do intense eye usage tasks such as computer work and television watching. For any other problems, there is always good eye care Boulder.

Exercises for the eyes help with eye care in Boulder

Comedienne W. C. Fields was once quoted as saying that whenever he thought of exercise, he laid down and waited for the thought to pass. Exercise is not always a welcome topic, but these eye exercises are simple and do not require a lot of time to perform:

1. Blinking the eyes
When people blink, their eyes segue into a brief phase of darkness that refreshes their eyes, encourages moisture in the eyes, reduces eyestrain, relaxes the focus, and soothes the eyes. Blinking every three to four seconds for a period of two minutes can help computer-strained eyes be ready for more work.

Blinking or not blinking is also helpful in interpersonal relations because a blink-less stare is a sign of aggression. Blinking can defuse a super-charged atmosphere and ensure that the other party doesn’t feel under attack.

glaucoma boulder

2. Palming the eyes
Palming the eyes is as simple an exercise as blinking, but it can make a huge difference in the way the eyes feel and it can positively impact a person’s working day. It is done by taking a few deep breaths, then placing the cup of the palm of both hands over the eyes. The fingers rest on the cheekbone and the heel of the hands rests on the cheekbone. Done properly, a person is still able to blink when the eyes are palmed.

As a yoga exercise, it is done by:
• Sitting quietly with eyes closed, taking deep breaths to relax completely.
• Rubbing the palms together vigorously until they become warm, and then lacing them over the eyes so that the warmth from the palms can be felt.
• Allowing the warmth to be transferred onto the eyes to relax the eye muscles while the eyes are encased in darkness.
• Holding this position until the heat from the palms has dissipated.
• Keeping the eyes closed, repeating the process at least three full times.

lasik boulder

3. Tracing the figure eights
This exercise is first done by imagining an upright figure eight approximately ten feet in front, and then tracing the figure eight with the eyes for a few minutes. Next the figure eight is turned on its side horizontally but still facing forward, and a repeat of the tracing is performed.

4. Focusing near and far
With the person in a seated position and taking deep breaths, the thumb is placed approximately 10 inches in front of the person’s face, becoming a focal point. The cataracts boulder person alternates focusing on the thumb and something 10-20 feet away with each intake of breath, doing this for two to three minutes.

5. Zooming is similar to focusing
From a seated position, the arm is extended in front with the thumb upraised to a fully stretched out position, and then moved to about 3 inches from the face. The focus remains on the thumb while the thumb moves from near to far and back again for approximately 3 minutes.

These eye exercises will not change the shape of a person’s eye or change the need for eye care in Boulder, but they will help the eyes on a day-to-day basis.

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